Anthony Bourdain Dangerous Culinary Trip

Bourdain is known by a variety of culinary travel story

Zatar labneh, one of the culinary of the Middle East - Image credit T El Rosda

Delightful culinary tour can certainly be done by many people, especially to tourists foodies. Culinary hunters will roam anywhere in tourism areas, all can satisfy curiosity.

You know about Anthony Bourdain, citing the sites CNN Indonesia, January 13, his experience in the culinary hunting can be an inspiration, because a lot of the journey would bring danger.

He has been hunting for various places in the world, as told in the Daily Meal, a variety of unique experiences, dangerous, in various countries have also experienced.

1. Beirut

He's living it in 2006, Bourdain telling that Middle Eastern food is very tasty and not less of other foods such as Asian, European, and American culinary.

He was trapped in Beirut as Israel-Lebanon war erupted in the streets of Beirut, flying bullets and sound bombs everywhere. Airport bombed just a few miles from his hotel.

2. Congo

This country became the choice after reading his favorite book "Heart of Darkness" and to think that this country can be visited alone.

He had a bad moment, driving on the border of Rwanda into Goma, he learned that there are more than 30 rebel soldiers and militants who fight within about 10 miles around.

3. Haiti

He live in February 2011, a country devastated by the earthquake. Difficulties of the affected countries for various reasons, including corruption, poverty, and other things.

4. Iran

The land that is considered quite complicated, Bourdain managed to get permission for a visit to Tehran in 2014 ago.

"Outstanding, memorable, confusing, inspiring, very different from everything I imagined."

He met with friendly local residents, but there is always a secret police who stay at a distance of a few doors from his room. He is also forbidden to use social media.

5. Iraqi Kurdistan

Bourdain recording a movie in this country, they must undergo security training for a few days. They also guarded by Peshmerga (Kurdish fighters) and also three experienced British security in the conflict zone.

6. Jerusalem

He wanted to go to this area, and go to Gaza and the West Bank, an area full of terrorists, war, violence, and conflict.

7. Libya

He is currently visiting the country, a trip in 2012 when the ongoing conflict and war.

"Honestly I was afraid for a briefing from the security officer who made us raise awareness."

Many challenges and obstacles, he and the team got a call the night and ordered to pack up and go home. Fortunately they were not injured, and no near-death experience.

Experience traversed by Anthony Bourdain is very unique, challenging and daring. Maybe there are always tourists who want to try a similar experience. One day.

Source: C Andhika Setyanti - CNN Indonesia, Daily Meal
Image: T El Rosda - Qatar


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