Eiffel Tower 126 Years on Today
March 31, 1889, the official opening ceremony by the designer of the tower, Gustave Eiffel

Do not feel the time passed more than a century ago, a spectacular tower in Paris, was officially opened to the public and become one of the tallest buildings in the world, as high as 984 meters, consists of a metal frame that supported the four pillars of stone, from which the towering four-pole united to form a single vertical tower.
The Tower then became an icon of the city of Paris, and even become icons of the nation of France, built on the Champ-de-Mars, the center of Paris.

In 1889, in honor of the centenary of the French Revolution, the French government plans to create a global icon of the nation, and a result of the hard work of Gustave Eiffel who was transformed into one of the masterpieces of architecture, amid skepticism from critics from all walks of life, even calumny and ridicule that said the building would spoil the view of Paris.
A wrought iron tower design that reaches almost a thousand meters towers over the city of Paris, and became the tallest man-made structure in the world.
Watch the charm of light from the lamps, at night, follow a special journey of a long period, you seemed entranced by the beauty, the charm of a romantic city, Paris.
(Source Windratie - CNN Indonesia, Wikipedia /Images DU Poucin, Asti Soekirno)
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