Munara Wampase, Traditional Feast of Biak in July 2012
Local governments of Biak Numfor, Papua through the Department of Culture and Tourism immediately prepare everything so that events can take place with good and festive. The stunning traditional festivities!
Biak traditional party Munara Wampase will be an annual tourism event held every July, "In the course of Biak culture Munara Wampase plans to organize a five to six custom party packages, so one of them tour the islands Padaido with fishing and diving," said Andris Kafiar head office Culture and Tourism of Biak.

Proliferate may not be too well known in the world tourist map, but when set foot on earth of Biak, immediately feel something different, very original and thrilling! Biak Munara Wampase event will make this area better known as well as a tourist destination in Papua which is still graceful hidden in the far east of Indonesia.
Some travel agents, aviation service providers have known the festive event is expected to be attended by thousands of participants from domestic and foreign tourists, local people welcomed the event was previously known only on a limited basis in their region of Papua.
Welcome to the Party! The beautiful Munara Wampase!
(Source Department of Culture and Tourism, travelKompas /Images Biak Regency)
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