Cidomo is a tourism icon of Gili Trawangan
Traditional transportation which dominate the tourist area of Lombok
When you are in Lombok or more specifically is in Gili Trawangan, there is a dominant view, the presence of transport equipment Cidomo and Dongol. Cidomo to carry passengers, while Dongol carrying goods.
Maybe if you often get around the islands and cities in Indonesia, call it like in Padang, Bogor, and Lombok, will often meet this kind of transport equipment with a variety of names depending on its place.
Cidomo actually stands for cikar, dokar, and montor, which makes it different is the use of wheels made from car tires, while in other areas using wooden wheels.
Gili Trawangan is the tourist area has its own characteristics and became the belle of tourism in Lombok, with its unique characteristics, even you will not see a car or motorcycle, but you will often see cidomo, traditional vehicle that became an icon of tourism of the region.
In the village of Gili Indah which covers three small islands of Gili Trawangan, Gili Meno, and Gili Air, cidomo and dongol a common sight in these islands.
Then, when vacation time arrives and you are present in this area, be prepared to walk, bicycle or ride the cidomo. Tourist area that free of pollution, and it was fun for tourists.
(Source Ni Luh Made Pertiwi – Kompas Travel /Images Meiske P Djojonegeoro, F Benjamin)
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