Prambanan Temple become one of the year-end celebrations by traveler's choice
The increase of tourists who visit Prambanan Temple
Celebration of the end of the year for tourists is one of the reasons why tourists continue to increase toward some preferred tourist sites, including for foreign tourists.
Of course many other reasons that can be given, when we talk about Prambanan Temple, for example, about the 1000 temples legend of Princess Jonggrang (or Loro Jonggrang), and that’s why this temple also called as Loro Jonggrang Temple.
The temple was built in the 10th century, 47 meters tall representing Hindu triumph in Java, located 17 kilometers from the city center of Yogyakarta, in the middle of the area that is now a beautiful park.
Quoting news on a travel site, December 26, 2014, Kompas Travel, according to Priyo, Head of Unit Tourism Area of Prambanan Temple, the increase in occupancy of tourist arrivals is influenced coincide with school holidays and Christmas holidays.
"At the end of last week reached 12,000 tourists visit. This number continues to increase every day. Finally, we noted there were 17,000 tourists who visit Prambanan Temple Tourism Park," he said.
Prambanan Temple is under the same management of tourist area with Borobudur Temple and Ratu Boko Temple, making it easier for tourists while in this area in selecting a preferred tourist destination.
(Source Antara, Kompas Travel /Images SY Winata, P Widi Hatmi)
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