World's Largest Christmas Tree is in Italy
Trees as high as 650 metres and an area of 1,000 square meters equipped with 3000 lights
Perhaps you imagine different things when talking about Italia, say about its culinary, wine, or attractive tourist destinations. Italy is actually very attached to all things scented Christmas, partly because Christian culture at the root of people's lives.
Well, now what about when talking about the Christmas tree? We will be surprised if you see that there is a huge Christmas tree in the city of Gubbio, Italy.
Precisely located in Mount Ingino, that "transformed" into a Christmas tree shaped lighting installations, making it one of the largest in the world and has entered the Guinness World Records officially turned on by Pope Benedict XVI and Pope Francis.
As travelers of the time you can prepare for the Province of Umbria, Italia, witnessed the work of the volunteers who spent months to prepare this tree.
The best time is December the 7th, the Eve of the Immaculate Conception and the tree stays lit until January the 6th, Epiphany Day.
(Source Huffington Post, Kompas Travel /Image Allwebitaly Vacanze all'Italiana)
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