Ease Passport Holders for Southeast Asian Origin

Sepinggan Airport Balikpapan, East Kalimantan
Continuing the previous article about the passport holder and the ease of visiting the various tourist destinations in the world, what happens with the ease-passport holders from countries in Asia as well as countries in South East Asia?
Based on the article in Dailymail.co.uk, Japan is the country with the most influential passport in Asia, Japanese tourists can visit 170 countries visa-free or visa on arrival.

Kuala Namu Airport
Passport holders of countries in Southeast Asia.
1. Singapore - can visit up to 167 countries visa-free access or visa on arrival
2. Malaysia - 163 countries
3. Brunei - 146 countries
4. Thailand - 68 countries
5. Philippine - 58 countries
6. Indonesia - 53 countries

Tourist landed on Ngurah Rai Airport
The things that make a country have limitations to visit a country, including the country in which is located the area of tourism. The world nowadays more open to a variety of amenity, tourism opportunities to be important in contributing to the development progress of a country.
(Source Dailymail.co.uk, travelKompas /Images Nova Hariani, Budy Pratikto, Ni Kdk R Riyanti)
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