Unforgettable Moment with the London Eye

London Eye
The building that similar with the ferris wheel that generally found in the theme park, is one of the Millennium Wheel or the highest observation wheel in the world with a height of 135 meters with 32 enclosed observation capsules.
When you are in crowded London with its visiting tourists, the London Eye can support the charm of the Tower of Big Ben which became one of the icons of this country.

In front of Buckingham Palace
Certainly need to provide your wallet to pay the entrance fee of 19.2 pounds, but quite worth the experience when you are in the peak height of this exciting place, a panoramic view of the city of London in 360 degrees.

Afternoon in London
Exciting opportunity to see different angles of London, Big Ben, Houses of Parliament and passing boats on the Thames river.
(Source Helena Nina - London, Travel Kompas /Images Helena Nina, W Sjahran)
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