Lake Toba Towards a World Geopark
Save Lake Toba

As shown by the site about the impact on an area that has been approved by the UNESCO as a global geopark (Global Geoparks Network - GGN) is an increasing number of tourists coming to the region - as well as foreign exchange, for example, China is known as most countries has the global geopark, namely 29 geopark, out of about 100 global geopark in 32 countries.

Indonesian aware of their various potential tourist areas, such as Lake Toba region, known as the largest volcanic lake in the world, 100 kilometers long and 30 kilometers wide. Formed from giant eruptions (supervolcano) about 74,000 years ago were emptied magma chamber in the bowels of the earth in Toba.

Be a tremendous admiration from the earth experts from various countries.
Even the country's leaders have established the Lake Toba as a Toba Caldera Geopark in March 2014, it will be the beginning of the movement of the participation of local residents to Save Lake Toba.

A big step into the Global Geoparks Network of UNESCO and get attention as the world tourist destination. Hopefully more serious attention of all parties in the region.
(Source F Sirait - Samosir, Kompas, Travel Kompas /Images J Mudas, K Arraihan)
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