The Cities are Considered Most Expensive in the World

Big Apple - New York
Perhaps one day you travel to the following cities that have a high cost of living in the world, according to a release from the Mercer Survey Institute recently about the 2014 Cost of Living Survey of 211 cities around the world.
To create a list of the most expensive cities in the world to use the counting rates of 200 items, for example in Luanda was found that the price of a pair of jeans reached $ 242.81. Then, the price of a sandwich and a soda reaches $ 18.95. while the price of fuel it is only $ 0.61 per liter and will remain down.

Marina Bay Sands, Singapore
Four (4) of the city's most expensive in the world than the city of New York as a reference.
1. Luanda, Angola
2. N'Djamena, Chad
3. Hong Kong
4. Singapore
Perhaps you will choose the cities mentioned above as one of the tourist destinations, would be expected not too surprised by the costs related to the goods offered daily needs. Sandwiches and soda in N'Djamena that reach a price of around $ 26 or the price of a cup of coffee with the tip reaching $ 6.64 in Hong Kong or $ 5.05 in Singapore.
(Source CNN Money, SR Diah Setiawan - Kompas /Images W Sjahran, V Saver)
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