The new route Kupang-Dili from NAM Air

Airline service from NAM Air, a subsidiary of Sriwijaya Air that opening a new service to neighboring countries, East Timor (or known with Timor Leste). As a response to the movement of passengers and goods flow between Dili and Kupang that is known quite high.
The new airline with route specific attractive services and immediately following the other new routes in August, as the route from Kupang-Ende and Denpasar-Labuan Bajo.

Komodo Dragon
Easiness for prospective service users, especially tourists who would travel to the area around this region, such as Bali, Lombok, Komodo island and the white sandy beaches in East Timor.
(Source Kontan, Sriwijaya Air, travelKompas /Images NAM Air, Setiadi Darmawan)
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