Fast walking paths in Liverpool

Not just happen on the highway traversed by car

Crowd in London

If you currently are in the hustle of the city of Liverpool, immediately noticed something different when you're walking in a crowd walking paths in between the shops of the city. Because at the heart of Liverpool, England, there is a fast track designated specifically for pedestrians who are in a rush.

Such an article cited by CNN Indonesia, of course you would think going through which, chose the fast lane or lanes are more relaxed and slow.

Why are things like this can happen?

It is interesting find in a city fast lane, according to the article, the presence of these lines caused by a poll of Argos, who said as many as 47 percent of the public thinks the slow walkers is annoying and distracting.

Of course it would be nice for pedestrians who are in a hurry, while let's say for the tourists, it would be different, because they tend to want to walk more slowly, enjoy the unique architecture, or anything that the main attraction of the city.

You may soon find it, try through the street of St.John, the path is marked with red and blue markings it will be the main access for those who hurried shopping in Liverpool One shopping center.

Many things can happen when someone is in a big city, a shopping enthusiast who pushed through the crowd, people chatting on the edge of the road or standing still while playing cell phone on the sidewalk.

It's interesting that the idea is applied, because it can anticipate the needs of people who are walking, diverse needs, or those who really want to relax while checking their gadgets, which mungkion can be adopted in various countries other tourist destinations in the world.

(Source L Kertopati - CNN Indonesia, Independent /Images P Djayasupena, W Sjahran - Liverpool)


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