Most Oldest Restaurants in the World
The oldest restaurants in the world with their well-known customers

Enjoy a special menu of a restaurant you choose certainly has its own considerations, the various characteristics and special taste that is able to tempt your taste buds, the special menu of a particular community or a menu that is only found in a particular place in the world.
The desire to try the food special, and often collided with the requirements of health, but it becomes interesting sightseeing trip, when you meet certain culinary which has long been desirable to be able to try it.
Similarly, if you travel in a tourist spot, you visit certain countries, and taking the time to enjoy a meal at the oldest restaurant in the world. Believe me, it is always a special occasion to be experienced.
St. Peter Stiftskeller - Salzburg, Austria. Present since the year 803, and has a long history as a place to stay for a few famous names in the world, such as Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Christopher Colombus. Old restaurant with special local dishes of Chef Andreas Krebs, the classic Austrian cuisine and modern Europe.

Zum Franziskaner, Stockholm
Zum Franziskaner - Stockholm, Sweden. You will be taken to a period in 1421 while enjoying a Germany beer, built by the monks, with a typical menu Isterband sauce or roast venison with the legacy of the founders of Scandinavian society.
Die Letzten Instanz - Berlin, Germany. Opened around the year of 1621, and has a great reputation of the guests who've been, such as Napoleon Bonaparte, Ludwig von Beethoven, and even the famous Prime Minister of Germany for its discretion accept refugees from the Middle East region, Angela Merkel.
Sobrino de Botin - Madrid, Spain. The famous restaurant with a special customer, Ernest Hemingway, and even become part of his book “The Sun Also Rises”, opened in 1725. Enjoy their specialties, lamb roast with an old oven which still uses wood burning.
Griswold Inn - Essex, Connecticut, United States. Famous customers, such as George Washington and Albert Einstein. Has a long history of travels, established since 1776, with historic menus typical American mainland, such as sausage, prime rib, and spoonbread.
Tavares - Lisbon, Portugal. Restaurant with an interesting interior, a magnificent room, decorating chandeliers shiny and smooth wooden boards, to bring you to an era in 1784. Enjoy their typical menu, emphasis on French and Portuguese seafood dish renewed.

La Tour d'Argent, Paris
La Tour d'Argent - Paris, France. Present since the 1500s, characterized by a traditional French menu, this restaurant has a typical menu that is processed duck meat, arrived in 1919, while enjoying your wine will be taken to the period before the second world war.
Rules Restaurant - London, England. A special place for special customers, such as Charlie Chaplin, Laurence Olivier, and Charles Dickens opened since 1798. You will find a great menu, such as steak and kidney pie and roast grouse, even you will find a modern twist, the cocktail of Kate Middleton.
Union Oyster House - Boston, Massachusetts, United States. One of the historic buildings on the Freedom Trail, giving you a special menu, a bowl of New England clam chowder, or eat a big plate of mollusks along with spices typical American mainland.
Onward travel is not merely a trip visiting tourist attractions, enjoy nature, mountains, the sea and the surrounding environment. We can also enjoy other things such as local culture and typical cuisine available at special restaurants in a tourist destination.
(Source J Adrian - KompasTravel, Conde Nast Traveler /Images L Priyanti - LA, Zum Franziskaner - Stockholm, La Tour d'Argent - Paris)
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