Snapper Fish Head curry in the city of Medan

Now let us look at one special meal there, snapper fish head curry at a food resto, "Restaurant Medan Baru". Who does not know if processed head was already good snapper from its origin? Snapper fish head curry here is great.
The texture of thick curry so special. Combined with a thick meat snapper makes a handsome couple. Favors. Fishy smell from the fish's head was not inhaled at all. Somehow the chefs at this restaurant process.
The color of curry rather thick reddish-yellow, not yellow as usual that there are common elsewhere. Especially for snapper, they give the white snapper, because the flavor tasted better taste mixed with white snapper.
Recommendations for restaurant owners try to eat the fish head was accompanied with vegetable shoots pumpkins (sayur pucuk labu), it was fitted. The texture of pumpkin shoots a tickle on the tongue together with the meat is tasty snapper. Yummy!
Do not forget to scoop pickled cucumbers (acar ketimun), feels very fresh on the tongue! The new sensation of head snapper meat mixed with cucumber pickles were delicious!
Pickled cucumber is one of the typical food like people of Acehnese, very tasty. In this restaurant can also be found marijuana sour sauce (sambal asam ganja), slightly sour taste coupled with a slightly spicy chili sauce that comes from green. Said the waiter, many people who eat this sauce will be hooked. Delicious!

Various special menu in this restaurant are available, in addition to the fish head curry snapper and fried pigeon's famous bird, for example, other menu options are presented every day, such as rendang beef, rendang chicken seasoning, chicken curry, fried fish eggs, egg curry, vegetables, pumpkins bud, cassava leaves, beef gravy jackfruit, and so on.
For dessert drinks, a wide selection of juices, as well as a special ice cucumber and a typical dutch eggplant juice of Sumatra.
All menus are available for 4-5 people with prices around USD 16 for the large size of the snapper's head has to offer, while the size is worth USD 11 can be eaten by 4-5 people. The small size price is USD 8 for 2-3 people.
The city of Medan is always special when talking culinary yet another ancient building in the Malay kingdom gave special nuances there.
(Source M Yusuf, Wisata KotaToea, Kompas /Images M Yusuf)
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