Dea-dea Island, various types of wild cats live here!

Dea-dea Island

An unique uninhabited island actually grabs the cat, they have been on the island since a very long time. Since the last decades of life different types of cats are gorgeous - amounted to hundreds of cats continue to breed naturally.

An island in Polewali Mandar, West Sulawesi, Indonesia became one of the attractions that awaken your sense of adventure. It is not difficult to reach the island for a short trip, 15 minutes from the pier Belang-belang Crossing in Tonyamang Village, Polewali Mandar used boats crossing between islands or familiarly called the local residents as the Water Taxi.

Can you imagine these cats live freely, not maintained exclusively by animal lovers or local government, these beautiful cats continue to grow and multiply.

When you arrive in this cat island, or the Dea-dea Island, the atmosphere is beautiful, clean shoreline around the island makes the cat feel at home and live breed in this location. Anyone who visited would have liked to stay for long in this island if only mingle with wild cats.

Although these cats look pretty, but the locals are strongly advised not to touch wild animals this is for security reasons and quite visible from a distance.

If you like adventure into the region, some of the other place worth a visit, such as the island of Battoa is overgrown lush mangrove forest complete with a culinary tour provided by the fishermen.

There is another island, Karamasang and Gusung Toraja with a sloping white sandy beach while watching the sunset or multiple locations unique cultural heritage sites. Interesting!

(Source Disbudpar Polman, travelKompas /Images Disbudpar Polman)


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