The Other Side of Lake Toba

A series of photos presented by a travel photograher, Barry Kusuma at a major daily newspaper in Jakarta, “Kompas”, Friday, November 29, 2013. The photos are very interesting show the other side depicts a spectacular lake on the island of Sumatra, precisely Lake Toba in North Sumatra.

Look like a natural beauty paintings presented in front of the eyes, with bluish lake water stretching to the mountains in the middle.

It always arises presumption, according to Barry on his way to the lake region, that tourism is very limited that Lake Toba only sell scenery. This is due to most visitors to Lake Toba used to take the path of overland journey from the cities, Medan to Parapat or Brastagi.

In fact, there is another route from the city of Balige to enjoying Lake Toba. Routes need to be traversed tourists can use the flight from Jakarta or Batam to the Airport of Silangit, Balige.

Further written on the that media, exploring Lake Toba use city routes from Balige make the trip to be very different. Cities with the cool air and a lot of new tourist sites that have not been known to many people.

Watch the panoramic view of Lake Toba from the Mount Pahoda, Balige traditional market in which there are a lot of Ulos sellers (ulos is the traditional woven cloth of Batak tribe) as well as culinary, such as a cheap and tasty noodles.

Travelers will be amazed to see the natural and cultural atmosphere of Batak tribe presented to their naked eye, even tourists can go straight to Samosir Island in the middle of the lake. Islands with white sand beaches and captivating charm Sidihoni Lake in the middle of the island, the lake up on the lake.

Maybe one day you are there.

(Source Kompas Klass, Barry Kusuma /Images Koez Arraihan, SP Tambunan)


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