Tortor Dancer liven the opening Lake Toba Festival 2013

Tortor dance heavily influenced singing through "tumba" (which is a minimalist dance) in the Batak art opera, which was performed a lot in 1920 to 1980. In general "tortor" terms used in the area of Angkola-Mandailing, Simelungun, and Toba on the sub-culture (socio-anthropological) Batak.

The word "Tor-tor" derived from the sound of pounding feet above the dancers in traditional Batak house siding. You will be very lucky to see the beat of the feet of dancers, when watching this dance live on stages.

The dancing aura tailored to the traditional ceremony, when the funeral will be rhythmic and sad situation that is contrary to the festive ceremony, the beat is more upbeat and happy.

Lake Toba Festival 2013 was officially opened on the location of Bukit Beta Tuktuk Siadong Samosir regency, September 8 to 14, 2013.

500 Tortor dancers graced the opening of the festival, the dancers show Tortor typical cup or Tapanuli dance nuanced and strung with a variety of dance attractions of various other tribes in North Sumatra.

"The number of dancers as many as 500 people was first held in Toba Tortor history," said Secretary of the Committee for Lake Toba Festival 2013, Melani Butar-butar in Pangururan, Saturday, September 7, 2013, Antara news quoting.

Lively and engaging festival features performances of traditional dance and sports, culinary arts, tortor dance competitions, songwriting, paddle boat races or "Solu Bolon", gondang traditional music, folk drama, weaving and sculpture Batak ulos craft.

(Source Antara, travelKompas, Nat Geo, J Mudas /Image M Naipospos)


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