Noble Caledonia cruise ship visits Aceh

Cruise ship visits Aceh shows that foreign tourists are increasingly in demand, as presented by tourism stakeholders in the region.

Greeted by Ranup Lampuan Dance that able entertain about 88 foreign tourists who had just dropped off by the speedboat at Ulee Lheue Port. They are part of Noble Caledonia cruise ship passengers.

True, they come to the waters around in Ulee Lheue, Banda Aceh, Sunday, October 13, 2013, stop by and enjoy the beauty of a number of attractions in the city of Banda Aceh, including Tsunami Museum, Blangpadang Field.

Cruise ships have sailed the waters around Aceh district, then stop in Lhokseumawe and Sabang, Weh Island. The road is still long, as from Banda Aceh, the cruise ship will going to the island of Simeulue, Aceh province, in the Indian Ocean.

The western end of the Indonesian archipelago has become one of the region for a cruise ship destination, as presented by the Association of Indonesian Tourism players.

Interesting momentum of visits in the promotion of Aceh's tourism area still holds tremendous potential.

(Source Antara, travelKompas, Y Irnanda - Banda Aceh /Image Noble Caledonia)


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