Kyoto Launch Infographics Tourist Guide with Animated Pictures

Shaped guide cartoons with an emoji scale of three

Heihan Shrine, Kyoto

Well, if you really want a vacation to a city which was once the capital of Japan in the past, do not worry can get lost, Kyoto government seems to realize the importance of spoiling the tourists.

The government gave directives to the tourists what you do's and don't (akimahen list), cartoons that referenced could cause huge losses for tourists, so that they can help guide the tourists when they need help.

Citing articles on The Telegraph, some rules are not commonly found in other countries, for example, something very avoided by culture and can be punishable by up to one million yen, as well as imprisonment of five years, namely cycling under the influence of alcohol.

Prayer Rooms

Guide describes in detail many of the rules that must be obeyed by tourists, for example you can just have a fine for leaving the bike rack is not in the parking lot arena.

Many other things worth learning from these provisions, among others, are not allowed to take pictures near the railroad tracks and the shrine (temple), selfie with traditional musicians, suspend or withdraw their kimono to get selfie photo.

Good provisions for tourists, including many things that may happen when you traveled to Kyoto, to a restaurant, tipping, say "Okini" ("Thank You") to the waiter, stepping tatami, provisions in line and others. Of course you want to travel to Japan to bring a deep impression, and knew it early can be fun.

(Source HA Samosir - CNN Indonesia, The Telegraph /Images P Widi Hatmi)


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