Kora-kora Festival again at the end of November

Ternate City Tourism Office (Dinas Pariwisata Kota Ternate) in collaboration with the Sultanate of Ternate in North Maluku which see the peoples passion of the event, thus proposed that the agenda of the annual event activities.
And of course the unique events like this boat races will get attention in a calendar filled with tourist activities cultural attractions as well as boat races Kora-kora at Dodoku Ali Beach, Ternate.
This year participants who participated reaches 32 participants from a number of areas in the Maluku islands, which have been known since centuries ago as a society can not be separated by their marine life.

The islands was located in the north region, North Maluku, so do not hesitate when it became the dominant marine environment.
The uniqueness of the local culture, the rich local traditional cuisine, cultural attractions, and enjoy the various attractions in the city of Ternate. Take the time when you are in this area, see ancient artifacts relics of the Sultanate of Ternate, as Kedaton Sultanate of Ternate that holds a variety of historical objects, including the crown of hair that supposedly only one in the world.
Not to mention the atmosphere of the old days when the Portuguese colonial era, Fort Orange and Fort Kastela, as well as a number of nautical tourism, such as the beach and panoramic underwater Sulamadaha Coast of Ternate.
Prepare yourself to be shocked, many unexpected things in this east region of Indonesia.
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(Source Reuters, travelKompas, Department of Tourism Ternate, R Oroh-Ternate /Images Morotai Island District)
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