The 5 Most Wanted Culinary in Yogyakarta

Yes, no doubt about this culinary, as if a typical representative of the region characterized by a very strong Javanese culture. It feels incomplete if you have not taste of its warm temperature, will always look for this culinary when you walking around in Yogyakarta.
Apparently there's more culinary specialties that you can find in this town that has always been a target of the tourists, as it is written by NL Made Pertiwi in tourist sites, travelKompas.
Here are 5 types of culinary in this cities:
1. Kipo. Kotagede typical food, fragrant pandan, small and wrapped in banana leaves. Green wrapped with brown sugar inside. Dough wrapped in banana leaves that have been given contains palm sugar then baked in the mortar (cobek).
Its skin was chewy from glutinous rice flour mixed with a savory brown sugar sweetness.
Recommendations: The Inns (‘warung’ in local terms) is located in Jalan Bu Djito Mondorakan No. 27, Kotagede, which has been selling since 1946.
2. Sego Pecel. Sego means rice, vegetables certainly pecel with peanut sauce. The dishes that can make addicted to this sego pecel, again and again. The key flavor is in its peanut sauce.
Recommendation: SGPC Bu Wiryo, in complex Gajah Mada University (UGM) since 1959.
Sego pecel containing beans, spinach, and bean sprouts. Savory peanut sauce with a slightly nutty flavor, poured over the vegetables add other side dishes like tempeh and marinated tofu, or just fried eggs.
Recommendation: Gudeg Yu Djum. The buyers often purchased to take back home to their city. Can be durable if wrapped with kendil or clay jug.
Typical dry Gudeg Yu Djum contains duck egg, chicken, and sambal krecek (crispy hot spicy sauce). The gudeg are older than 30 years and continues to sell at Jalan Wijilan.
4. Sate Klathak. The satay display skewer looks creepy, do not be surprised! Bicycle spokes made of iron used as skewers.
Recommendation: Sate Klathak be found in Bantul.
Sate is usually use lamb meat that has been seasoned with salt and a little pepper, no extra soy sauce and other seasonings. Removing the freshness of the original flavor of mutton.
The name "klathak" itself comes from the sound that comes out when the meat was burned on the hearth fire.
Recommendation: A lot sellers in Jalan Imogiri Timur and Jejeran Market. The famous one is Sate Klathak Pak Bari which is lined in Pojok Kidul Jejeran Market, Wonokromo, Bantul.
5. Jos Coffee. Well known by travelers whose coming to Yogyakarta, stopped at an old ‘angkringan’ in Jalan Mangkubumi, near the exit Tugu Station.
Recommendation: Angkringan Lek Man. Selling since the 1950's. It makes it special is the glowing coals put into the black coffee.
Additional on-site culinary at this ‘angkringan’ famous place is "sego kucing (cat)" or rice in small portions, complete with little side dishes such as fish and various fried and satay.
(Source NL Made Pertiwi - travelKompas, Bungaran Slamet - Yogyakarta /Images Wuri Yulianto, Suhardono AR)
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