The Miracle of Ondel-ondel in Jakarnaval 2013

The festive event in the Anniversary of Jakarta, held in a long series ceremony since last week. The main event took place on Sunday, June 30, 2013 with a motorcade parade carnival.

Jakarta people gathered in the main streets of the city, Sudirman, Thamrin, National Monument Square and of course at the Jakarta City Hall, a carnival-themed "The Miracle of Ondel-Ondel", about 500 new creations of ondel-ondel made by work creations of high school students in Jakarta that take inspiration of Betawi Ondel-ondel culture as an icon with age more than a century.

Carnival is also celebrated by arts groups from outside Jakarta, such as Sisingaan art from Subang, Hudoq of East Kalimantan, Jember Fashion Carnaval, Red Batik Solo, and Group Five Mountains of Magelang.

Jakarta Governor Jokowi out of his office at City Hall in Jakarta with environmentally friendly decorative costumes on horseback riding, wearing a decorative special performances to celebrate the 486 years Anniversary of Jakarta, townspeople and the thousands of foreign tourists welcome him.

Of course in addition to the presence of the governor is the presence of two giant ondel-ondel with a height of 5 meters was made nearly two types namely ondel-ondel men and women.

Its became the center of public attention. Festive parade lasted from morning until late afternoon.

And towns people enthusiastically welcomed. It's a rousing carnival, and entertaining!

(Source J Kuniawan, S Lestari, R Mailisa, R Belarminus - Kompas /Images Reini Mailisa)


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