The Fortune while welcoming the Chinese New Year 2014

The time is getting close to the day of celebration of the new year, we look back to the origin of the phenomenon. Similarly, thousands of people of Chinese descent worldwide look back at childhood home, a family gathering place.

Imlek or Chinese New Year is always lively with everything form the sounds of firecrackers, drums sound of the Barong Say, lantern lights are all in red. Of course we are interested to see all attraction.

They celebrate and want to get a fortune in the coming years in accordance with the ancient tradition of Chinese people. Here are some of the fortune that they expect to happen.

1. Changing Fortune in the coming year. Live more regularly, clean the house, wore new clothes and style, pay all debts, and the first day of the Lunar traversed by doing what you like.
2. Wearing all red ornaments. Red means lucky, wear red clothing, all home/shop/office decoration, the red yellow decoration mounted outside the house signifies luck and good fortune.
3. Serve all the food that brings fortune. Noodle is a sign of longevity, buy the whole fish, orange fruit, sweet flavored foods/snacks, and are available with many signs fortune throughout the year.
4. Bring the gifts to relatives, friends. Share the gifts with each other, chocolate, sweets and biscuits. Everything is a sweet flavorful foods.
5. Give and receive Ang Pao. Long tradition of gift that giving red envelopes, the ang pao, which is in the form of an envelope and the numbers must be odd.
6. Celebrate the Party. After the lunch with the family, let’s celebrate outside the house immediately. Sharing the joy, towards markets/shopping malls where you can find others and meeting friends.
7. Watching the performances of Barong Say. Of course the thud sound fanfare of the Barong Say will complement the festive celebration of the Lunar New Year. Watch the mutual dancing dragons and enliven your party.
8. Check your Horoscope. True, here you can see the extent to which your fortune in the year that will soon be running. Chinese horoscope has 12 symbols are changed every new year, and now is The Year of the Horse. It would indicate that fortune will come to you in the year that according to your horoscope.

At the end of the celebration will be more vibrant with excitement shared among family and friends. Gong Xi Fat Choy!

Happy Chinese New Year 2565

(Source Australia Plus /Images M Kretyawan, Wikipedia)


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