Replica of the Forbidden City in Sydney

We're certainly very aware of the very famous Forbidden City in mainland China, located right in the middle of the ancient city of Beijing, a royal palace during the Ming and Qing Dynasties with an area of 720.000 square meters, 800 buildings and over 8,000 rooms.

It has been declared by UNESCO as the largest collection of ancient wooden structures in the world, and is listed as one of the UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1987 as the "Imperial Palace of the Ming and Qing Dynasties".

The fame of this town seems to be the inspiration for the Sydney city governments to build new tourist area, with an area of 15 acres in the Wyong Shire Council, about 92 kilometers from the city of Sydney.

It is spectacular because the building will be made as the original, with the cost of the project is worth 500 million dollars. Wyong Council officials said the building fund will use the proceeds after they signed a formal partnership with the private sector of China.

"In addition to the Opera House and Harbour Bridge, this could potentially be the biggest tourist attraction." according to Wyong Mayor - Doug Eton in early December 2012 ago.

Construction began in 2015, including the gate of the Forbidden City, which also became the entrance to the whole tourist attractions. The project is expected to be completed by the year 2020 comes to architecture characterized by buildings from the Tang and Song, as well as the villages like China, as well as buildings from the Ming and Qing.

Referring to the news given by L Sastra Wijaya, a senior journalist, tourist areas will also be equipped with a pagoda (klenteng), theaters, villas, and a section for children with a panda theme, though will not display the lives pandas.

This tourist area will bring something new to the people there, to offer an unique, employing more than 1000 people and brought economic prosperity to Wyong, according to Bruze Zong, President of the Australian Chinese Theme Park, the private company behind the giant project.

Of course, this will attract the attention of tourists from China to visit Australia, very interesting!

(Source L Sastra Wijaya - travelKompas /Images Manu Kretyawan)


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