5 Complaints by Foreign Tourists when traveling in Bali

Based on the survey results related complaints among foreign tourists

Kuta Beach

Bali is well known by the world and became one of the leading in the world of tourism, tourist arrivals from various corners of the world of course give various effects.

There is eleven complaints from tourists who stand to be taken, as submitted by the Governor of Bali, Made Pastika related complaints among foreign tourists who traveled in Bali.

Ku De Ta, Seminyak

The results of the survey complained of foreign tourists in Bali in a public event on the day in the Bajra Sandhi Square, Sunday, February 8th, 2015.

Here are 5 complaints of foreign tourists in the tourist areas of Bali.

1. Garbage is not well organized
2. Traffic congestion
3. Immigration rambling and long queues at the airport
4. The behavior of the customs, full of uncertainty
5. Money changer who tend to like to cheat

There are still some other complaints submitted by the Governor of Bali, they, the local government of Bali will undertake remedial measures to give a positive response for Bali tourism.

Of Bali local government responded quickly to fix, the better the proper Bali, Bali's lush green and sustainable, Bali became an island that is free of organic chemical constituents, friendly environment.

A friendly Bali for tourism in the world, fertile and sustainable.

(Source Tribunnews.com, Kompas Travel /Images N Ginting, D Bintang)


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