Travelling Benefits: Create a Business Be More Successful

How do we connect between Travelling with a Business?

How do you see traveling in your life? For some people would have a different meaning, for example, there is the notion of traveling as a waste, or even say traveling is the activity of spending money.

According to health experts, traveled it can nourish the brain, mind and your eyes from the daily routine. Even quote from the Journal of Applied Psychology in 2010, reported that employees who never traveled will have a high emotional exhaustion and impact on productivity.

Here's an excerpt from an article published in the Huffington Post, traveling can help the work and your company to be more successful.

1. Travelling burn creativity

In a tourist trip, for example when various airlines decided to cancel flights due to various reasons, then it is forced tourists to think more creatively to solve their problems.

Maybe you lost when traveling, well... You would think hard to find a way out, things like this would add valuable experience in tourism.

Similarly, the same thing happens in the business environment, when a problem occurs. One must be ready to be able to find a solution to various problems. A pastries businessman, will play his brain, that cookies and pastries will be offered to have a taste of that in accordance with customer requirements.

Countless obstacles, it makes you struggle to survive, and be creative.

2. Teach to build a good team

In business everyone has a connection with the fellow in the company, how they work will have an impact on success. A company is almost the same as the lead of a small country, because each employee has different desires.

Many things happened, how the emotional connection between employees are built, as well as the type of work required under the employee skills. Habits and different cultures will provide a competitive advantage that work.

In traveling can be found the same thing, you will find people with a variety of characters and habits. Right opportunity to study the personality of others in travel trip, analyzing and searching for the right decision in good and pleasant traveling.

3. Learning to more wisely use technology

In the travel trip has been demonstrated that the technology helps facilitate a traveler in their way, to communicate, to find a way, even for upload status or photo selfie in social media.

Although sometimes haunting idea, that the tour we are required to keep the smartphones, so it gets a different experience in tourism.

What about the business? Technology has become a friend in the business, even though needs to be applied intelligently and carefully, because the technology is easy to open a network of people all over the world.

Travelling brings many benefits to anyone, open horizons, friendship from various corners of the world. Similarly, in business, with the opening relation to various business network in the world who bring ideas and benefits for business success.

(Source Huffington Post, CNN Indonesia /Images S Wisaksono, Ni Kdk R Riyanti, J Elizabeth)


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