First Aid Kit when Adventuring
Equipment needed by the travelers who love adventure
Equipment for first aid is the type of equipment required for the adventurous and enjoy the different tourist areas, always give a different impression, as different from the rating that normally we know so far.
Type of tourists who particularly like traveling, while also adventurous.
This type of equipment like this is different, various outdoor equipment, as well as various service providers of outdoor adventure. Equipment for 'first aid' is very closely related to the purpose of the trip, rafting, diving, mountaineering, steep cliffs, caves and other outdoor sports.
Some types of equipment are required to be taken, when it began the adventure, especially in the wild. All purpose indeed must be taken, but must be adapted to the type of location and terrain adventure.
Certainly there are items that do not give a burden to you who wish to participate, and must be brought back to the wild. The following minimum equipment that must be taken when it started venturing into nature.
1. Antiseptic drug, such as betadine - as the first drug when exposed to scratches.
2. Gauze - as wound dressings.
3. Bandages or plaster
4. Kit Enhancements - such as scissors or knives, as well as tweezers, emergency blanket (on altitude location) and gloves.
Type of the tourists who like this is very special, but demand is increasing every year, so it is not wrong to do the preparation from the beginning so that all can run smoothly and enjoyable.
(Source M Irzal A - Kompas Travel, Indofest 2016 /Images N Kdk R Riyanti, N Ginting)
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