Guinness Will Introduce 'Non Alcohol' Beer
Open Gate Pure Brew which will be available in 250 pubs in Dublin, Ireland

The Beer Party - Image Credit R Gurning
The new non-alcoholic beer seems to be getting its own place among beer enthusiasts, at least limited attention, what kind of beverage is this? It's something new that will bring curiosity, and no doubt if you can try it one day, when through a supermarket drink seller.
Indeed, new ideas from Guinness can make many people feel curious, they are rumored to be going to release nonalcohol beer products in the near future. The beer is given an interesting name, "Open Gate Pure Brew" which will be available in 250 pubs in Dublin.
Regardless of the news that is often a concern, considering some countries have made strict restrictions on alcoholic beverages, so this news can be said is not new, because maybe you ever know there Guinness Zero drink products are non-alcoholic Guinness typical liquor.
But. Indeed it became interesting when they were, Guinness management released it in Ireland, quoted detikFood, Thursday, January 25, that this drink will be released on a large scale throughout Ireland will be done in March.
Associated with alcoholic beverages, it may be necessary to know if Guinness releases drinks with Alcohol by Volume or ABV 0.5 percent, in other words the alcohol content is almost very small, and you will find this packing drink in a 300-milliliter bottle.
They are good at making attractive marketing packaging, otherwise known as one of the world's best beer producers, when they choose how to describe this drink as a "sharp flavored gold beer with a hoppy taste."
The launch event of Guinness's latest beer product is packed with exciting and festive, housed in Dublin 8's Open Gate Brewery with a welcome remark from Diageo's Mark Sandys chief.
"With pure brew, our factory is developing a very tasty and fully fermented nonalcoholic beer that will be parallel to other great beer products."
They seem happy with the release of this new product, Sandys later said, that this beer could be an option when wanting to drink beer without the effects of intoxication.
"Consumers do not have to compromise when they want to drink, but do not want to take alcohol into their body, so we're happy to be able to make choices through our new innovations."
Source: Devi Setya - detikFood, Guinness
Image: R Gurning
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