British Tourists the Most Visiting Indonesia
World Travel Market Exhibition 2014 provides a picture of a country tourist destination

Benoa Beach, Bali
Apparently this islands country with its palm trees waving at every beach, Indonesia, has a special attraction for tourists from Europe, especially the British tourist.

Preparing the worship, Bali
This was conveyed by Esthy Reko Astuty, from the Indonesian Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, the number of tourists from the United Kingdom to Indonesia in August reached 153.351 people, an increase of 8.37 percent compared to August last year.

Balinese Dancer
A second-largest tourism exhibition in the world, the World Travel Market (WTM), which will be held at the Excel Exhibition Hall, London, from November 3 - 6, 2014, with their special event to celebrate the 35 years of the age of the organization of this exhibition.

Wayag Island, Raja Ampat
For Indonesia as one of the participating countries, this presence can be seen as a means to achieve the target number of tourists (up to a total of 20 million by the end of 2019), with their unique theme pavilion that demonstrates many attractions of traditional arts from various tribes in the Indonesian archipelago .
(Source Antara, Travel Kompas /Images S Wisaksono, V Saver, SY Winata)
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