Kualanamu included in the Category of World-Class Airports
Category Ranks 24 of the world version of "Airport Service Quality"

It is not thought to an airport in the north of the island of Sumatra, Indonesia, became one of the airports that are included in the world-class airports. Thus the results of a survey of "Airport Service Quality" (ASQ) - based in Switzerland is a world institution that exists in assessing airport services.

Boarding Room
The new airport is operational since 2013, code KNO, immediately got the attention of tourists visiting the tourist area of Lake Toba and its surroundings. The ability to accommodate passenger arrivals, as a large airport with a passenger capacity of 5-15 million people per year with a 36 classification.
Classification would be met by this airport, including the number of passengers, passenger business, leisure passengers, modes of transportation, and parking facilities.

Lake Toba
Despite a variety of other classifications, Kualanamu occupy different rank positions, for example, for the classification of value for money of parking facility, Kualanamu ranks 17 and other classifications into ASQ assessment materials.

Great Mosque of Medan, North Sumatra
The tourist area in the northern part of the island of Sumatra has been recognized specifically have unique characteristics, such as Lake Toba is known in advance, the cultural wealth of the various tribes are scattered in the region, the unique culinary tastes can give a different impression for tourists who visit there.
(Source Antara, BeritaSatu /Images B Pratikto, K Arraihan, K Effendi)
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