Yogyakarta designated as World Batik City
In the event the World Craft Council/WCC in Beijing China

Street of Malioboro, Yogyakarta
A festive occasion of World Craft Council - WCC in Dongyang, Zhejiang Province, China on 18-23 October 2014 establishes the city of Yogyakarta as the World Batik City on the 50th anniversary of the organization.

Malioboro in Nighttime
Through a series of review of batik centers in the city, so the assessment team can immediately start viewing the whole process of batik making, as a material of assessment. The City won the award after competing with six cities in six countries in the Asia Pacific.

Batik Sekar Jagad
Batik is a craft that refers to the craft tradition with its long history in Indonesia, became an integral part in the entire region, particularly in the provinces of Yogyakarta and surrounding areas are rich in tradition and has high artistic value and historical priceless.

Batik from Solo
The appointment as the city of Yogyakarta batik world, bringing fresh air to the central region of batik, such as Giriloyo Village in Bantul near Yogyakarta, and other places known as the City of Batik, such as Solo, Pekalongan, Cirebon and other cities.

Javanese Batik
The world will get to know the community and surrounding area with its batik trademark, complete with a view of the tourists who were in the city, both in terms of history, art, to the batik artisans that have economic and social value.
(Source Tribune Jogja, Travel Kompas /Images Wahid Ar, K Effendi)
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