Yogyakarta, Batik City of the World
Craft icon of Yogyakarta compete with the six countries in Asia Pacific

Batik Sekar Jagad
UNESCO has recognized batik as one of the world heritage of Indonesia and is the work of Indonesian handicrafts, especially the Javanese tribe. Batik craft in Indonesia has always been synonymous with Yogyakarta.

Solo Batik Carnival
Although we can not ignore some of the other cities which have traditionally had the power of batik handicrafts masterpiece as well, such as Solo, Cirebon, Tegal, Madura and Pekalongan.

Batik Tulis Pekalongan
Batik of Yogyakarta is unique in terms of history, art, culture to their community batik artisans who have a long history, such as a center of batik that can be found on Giriloyo, Imogiri, where its products are already very widely known.

The Batik Dancer
World Crafts Council based in Beijing will complete the assessment in the competition to publish batik city to various parts of the world, one day you can get to know Yogyakarta and surrounding adjacent regions with its batik trademark masterpiece, such as batik tulis.
(Source Antara, Travel Kompas, BeritaSatu /Images K Effendi Collection, Sugianto Setiawan, Solo Batik Carnival)
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