Tourist Ship Sinking in the Sea of Lombok

Tourists departing from a pier in Bali
Accidents befall a tourist ship sank after hitting a rock on the sea waters of Sangeang Pulo, east of Mount Sangeangapi, Bima, West Nusa Tenggara on Saturday, August 16th, 2014 at 20:00 local time.
The tourist ship, "Forcase Fish Blue Star" was on its way from a pier on the island of Bali to the Komodo Island, carrying 25 people, consisting of 20 foreign tourists and local people as the 5 crew boats and tour guide.

Sea waters of Lombok
10 tourists were found alive on Saturday night by a passing fisherman in the waters around the island of Sangeang.
1. Gaylene - New Zealand
2. Rafael Matienes, 31 - Spain
3. Hommasel Betran, 33 - France
4. Cantrine Ane, 21 - New Zealand
5. Alice Elisabeth, 19 - UK
6. Maria Palonfont, 33 - Spain
7. Eli Visser, 29 - Dutch
8. Cayleng Cheryl, 53 - Dutch
9. Hannah S., 21 - Germany
10. Nonen Sokhon, 21 - Germany

The fishermen boat that also sometimes carrying tourists
Until now 15 people were missing and were in intensive search by the SAR Team combined from several agencies, volunteers, fishermen, military and local police by using several ships. The tourists who survived were treated at the local health center and five people were at the Hospital of Bima.
(Source Kompas, BeritaSatu /Images F Benjamin)
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