Friendliest and unfriendliest cities in the world

The Port of Melbourne
Cities in the southern Australian continent and its neighboring islands in New Zealand became the most friendly cities in the world, according to a survey of travel magazine "Conde Nast Traveler", namely Melbourne, Sydney and Auckland.

Southbank, Melbourne
Meanwhile, the tourists also make a response to the city that is considered the most unfriendliest in the world, namely Johannesburg, in South Africa, regardless it is still in South Africa as well, the city of Cape Town, which is the eighth most friendly city for the world travelers.
Following the friendliest cities in the world according to Conde Nast Traveler.
1/ Auckland, New Zealand, and 2/ Melbourne, Australia
3/ Victoria, BC, Canada
4/ Charleston, South Carolina
5/ Dublin, Ireland, and 6/ Sydney, Australia

Man on a bike, Budapest
7/ Siem Reap, Cambodia
8/ Cape Town, South Africa
9/ Savannah, Georgia, and 10/ Seville, Spain
11/ Budapest, Hungary

Muse du Louvre, Paris
And following the unfriendliest cities in the world.
1/ Johannesburg, South Africa
2/ Cannes, France
3/ Moscow, Russia
4/ Paris, France
5/ Marseille, France
6/ Beijing, China
7/ Frankfurt, Germany
8/ Milan, Italy
9/ Monte Carlo, Monaco
10/ Nassau, Bahamas
Readers of the magazine agreed with their choice, certainly through personal experience when traveling in these cities, tourists are more likely to get offers of help when they are in certain cities and most likely acquire an unpleasant experience in other cities.

Piazza del Duomo, Milan
Even so, all travel wherever we go, always has an unique impressions, regardless happy or in difficult circumstances. Traveling always gives joy.
(Source Conde Nast Traveler, CNN, BeritaSatu, AsiaOne /Images M Paath Djojonegeoro, Sonya Susilo, Asti Sukirno)
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