Pandavas Beach one of the Best in Bali
White sand stretching from end to end, the water is clear and clean, and the pounding waves playing off in the distance

Many stunning beaches in Bali that you may have visited before, but a place hidden behind a hill that is capable of making a scene because of its charm. Pandavas Beach located in southern Kuta, Badung regency.

The beach is only about 3 km from Nusa Dua, in fact has long been recognized by many tourists, but because of the access to the beach is quite difficult to make this beach empty of tourists visit although now the situation is different.

When you visit this beach, ready to acclaim with two huge cliffs that divides the road leading to the beach. There are also many carvings and sculptures are intentionally placed in the walls of the cliff.

Do not be surprised when enjoying culinary offered by the sellers who lined up on the beach, the price is quite cheap unlike other beaches. Another interesting moment came during the afternoon, local fishermen collect seaweed which the waves brought to the shore and then they made a source of food and other necessities.
(Source R Sinaga - Travel Kompas, Ni Kdk R Riyanti /Images Y Ismiati, Corry Siahaan, F Irma Yohanna)
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