Australian Tourists Knows How To Downsize Expenses in Aircraft
Various tempting deals with additional facilities at the time of flight

Bids extra legroom, extra baggage fees, buy a variety of food offered stewardess, and various other offers at the time of your flight by flight attendants in the air, there is always the desire and curiosity about the products offered, and ultimately want to buy.
Is such that you often experienced during the flight? It could happen, because of the long flight in particular, frequent boredom makes us want to find a way to kill time, to do something or whatever it is.
Well, apparently things like this to be one of the objects of research by Lonely Planet, and they found that travelers from Australia are the type of travelers who are able to resist the temptation, they are very economical and are not interested in buying anything that is offered, on long moreover in the near distance flight.
In fact, a recent survey from Expedia Australia against 11 thousand passengers, found that 43 percent of Australian travelers refuse to buy something in flight if the journey is less than three hours.

It is always a lot of things going on in the various types of flights, for example, long-haul flights passengers may be tempted to accept the offer in attendance. Various types of bids for instance get a wider leg space in the travel distance (20 percent), one of five passengers prefer to buy food (16 percent), and only four percent were willing to pay more to be able to enjoy a wider seat.
The World Tourism in Australia is on the rise, Australian travelers have a tendency to spend money at the destination, maximizing money shopping in the sights and not on the plane, adding space and baggage fees, and others, so the opinion of Kelly Cull, travel expert from Expedia.
Symptoms attract apparently found on some travelers from other countries, for example, from Canada, and you may have the same tendency or may otherwise like tourists from the United States who like the comfort in the air with all the trimmings.
(Source CA Setyanti - CNN Indonesia, Lonely Planet, Expedia Australia /Images Singapore Airlines, Germanwings)
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