Horseback Riding Tours in Borobudur Temple

When Richard Gere visited Borobudur Temple at the end of last June, he was scheduled to ride an elephant to get around in some tourist villages around the temple. The Management of the temple have prepared everything, so the plan can be implemented for him and other Buddhist monks.

Apparently the idea of riding an elephant is evaluated again by the management of the temple and they think this plan is to be applied to other temple visitors.

"We work closely with the owners of the horse riding around the Borobudur Temple. We prepared 10 horse in front of the Museum of Karmawibhangga," said Pujo Suwarno, General Manager of PT Taman Wisata Candi Borobudur (TWCB).

Horseback riding tours have been going on since Eid Fitri holiday, in cooperation with local residents. In addition to horse riding tours, elephant riding tours are also provided as it had been planned at the time of Richard Gere’s visit to Borobudur Temple.

Horses and elephants travel route ranging from the environment around the temple until it reach the village of Wanurejo about a half kilometers from the Borobudur Temple.

The locals welcomed about the implementation of this tour, some of the souvenirs craftsmen also prepared a demo of their products making puppets and masks such as batik, pottery, and bamboo carved near the TWCB tickets counter purchase.

The management enthusiasm about carrying out the horse and elephant riding tours, so that tourists can get a new experience when they come into this temple.

The tourists visit to this temple become more lively after the Borobudur Heritage Conservation, Thursday, September 22, 2011, reopened the eighth, ninth, and tenth floor of Borobudur temple for tourist visits.

After being closed (due to the eruption of Mount Merapi in October 2011) for the removal of the volcanic ash that stuck to the rock temple, the problems arise due to eruption of the Merapi volcanic ash into the cavity of the stone stupas and temples.

The eighth, ninth and tenth floor that stores many ancient reliefs, that makes tourists visits rising rapidly with the addition of a tour features riding horses and elephants. Great!

(Source Ant /Images M. Safri and Yudi)


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