Changi Airport Awarded Again

Changi Airport is reliable in service, it is again shown by the "Indonesian Service Quality Diamond Award 2014", awarded by Carre-Center for Customer Satisfaction & Loyalty (Carre-CCSL) with the magazine "Service Excellence".
This is quite a prestigious award for the quality of service and a second year of Changi gets top marks for quality of service based on an annual survey of customer satisfaction in 50 service industries that include more than 500 brands, involving 3,000 respondents from Jakarta, Semarang, Surabaya and Medan.

Passenger at Changi
Travelers who was at the airport, agreed with the award given. Changi Airport dedicated for transit passengers and provide early experience in traveling in Singapore or other destinations.
(Source Kompas, Changi Airport /Images Changi Airport , J Mudas - Singapore)
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