Tigerair Mandala Say Goodbye began July 1, 2014

Tigerair Mandala airline flight number RI 545 on July 1, 2014 from Hong Kong to Denpasar at 02:35 hours local time is the last flight, and there will be a lot of questions for a lot of parties. After the date of July 1st 2014 onwards is canceled, the airline will officially cease operations.
Of course the Tigerair Group will provide facilities for passengers who have booked travel tickets and need clarification in call center Mandala at (+62 21) 2939-6688 or call center Tigerair from the date of June 18, 2014 until July 31, 2014.

The beach of Lombok, one of Tigerair route service
Certainly shocking news for travelers who frequently use in airline services, considering some of these routes they greatly facilitate to the tourists destination location.
(Source Tigerair Group, travelKompas /Images Tigerair Mandala, F Benjamin)
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