Old Town Creative Festival energize the Jakarta Anniversary

A festival that held for the first time as one of the events that enliven the Jakarta 487th anniversary.

The event took place on June 21 and June 22, 2014 with a variety of creative arts performances, street music and traditional Betawi culinary.

Kota Tua Creative Festival (Old Town Creative Festival) as a form of awareness to the revitalization of the old town through events exhibitions of contemporary art, architecture, installation and photography.

Which was held in several historic buildings around Taman Fatahillah, such as Tjipta Niaga Building, Kerta Niaga Building, Samudera Building and City Train Station (Stasiun Kota).

Citing articles travelKompas, Thursday, June 19, 2014, the festival was held as an inspiration as well as the dynamics of various forms of urban social space which has been running for hundreds of years now in the capital.

Kota Tua is worth returning to life and make the historical district livable.
(Source Antara, travelKompas, Kota Tua Creative Festival 2014 /Images Kota Tua Creative Festival, Olga EO Batti, P Widi Hatmi)
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