Discount Party when Shopping?

Shopping is a fun activity for you, when you are in a sightseeing trip. Likewise, shopping activity is always synonymous with women, and mood at the time of discount will make the situation more dramatic.
Jakarta is currently welcoming its 487th anniversary, city residents are spoiled with a massive discount party "Jakarta Great Sale Festival" (FJGS) which was held for 1.5 months starting June 7 until July 19, 2014.

Citing articles at a tourist site, travelKompas, some tips provided by a financial expert from American Express, Aidil Akbar Madjid.
1. Do not impulsive. Shopping is an activity planned, by way of investment or saving first.
2. Buy as needed. Shopping should be as needed, not just because of impulse. Not impose purchase something over budget.
3. Carefully before buying. Generally the items are sold at a discount is not intact goods, not necessarily the desired size available. We recommend that you research carefully before buying.
4. Careful with discount numbers 50+20. Please carefully with discount terms, 70 percent discount means the goods are sold at a discount worth 70 percent intact. It's more cheaper!
However, if 50 +20 means the price of goods will be discounted 50 percent first and then added 20 percent, meaning not the same with 70 percent discount.
5. Spend with cash. We recommend that you have allocated money for shopping.
Discount party are beneficial but for those who have the shopping budget - although the situation different for tourists, only applies to those who already have a budget or allocation of funds, said Aidil.
(Source Antara, travelKompas /Images Jakarta Great Sale, SY Winata)
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