The Series of Events to Enliven the Jakarta 487th Anniversary

People in Old Town of Jakarta
Festive month for the city residents as well as tourists who have been present, related to the implementation 487th anniversary capital of Jakarta, events with many attractions, such as the attraction of percussion, traditional arts and festival of masks.
The event will open with a concert of "Jakarta Night Festival" (JNF) on Saturday, June 21, 2014, which will also be celebrated with events traditional percussion located along the street of MH Thamrin, National Monument to the Bundaran HI, at nighttime.

National Monument as one of the location during the Jakarta Anniversary
Excitement is more complete when the time of the event with 1,200 participants, five giant mask, the traditional group at the event "Jakarnaval 2014", Sunday, June 22, 2014 afternoon, carnival of culture and the decorated motorcade with the theme of "The Miracle Mask of Nusantara".
(Source Kompas, Alsadad Rudi - travelKompas /Images V Puspitasari, P Widi Hatmi)
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