SilkAir fly to Kalibo

Boracay in the Philippines is one of the top seeds in the world as a world class tourist destination, and it is becoming a focus for a Singapore-based airlines, SilkAir, which is also known as a subsidiary of Singapore Airlines.
The inaugural flight to Kalibo with flight code MI599 departing from Singapore Changi Airport Terminal 2, on Tuesday, May 27, 2014 that will add convenience for tourists who will determine their trip in Southeast Asia region.

White beach of Boracay
Kalibo is the capital of Akla Province, Philippines, is the entrance to the beautiful island called Boracay, natural beauty, waterfalls, natural springs, caves adventure in Buruanga, as well as water clarity in its beaches.
(Source SilkAir, travelKompas /Image SilkAir, wikipedia)
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