California Earn US$ 126 Billion from the Tourists
In accordance with notes from the institution of Visit California throughout 2016

The Friend of Mickey Mouse, Disney Orlando, Florida - Image Credit Emmanuella Widi
Foreign tourists visiting to California is apparently capable of generating significant revenue for the state, as presented by the non-profit US organization, Visit California, which recorded visits while on vacation in California over the past year.
California is able to attract the attention of foreign tourists, such as written by the site CNN Indonesia, May 8, to visit world-class tourist areas, such as Disneyland, Universal Studios, and San Diego Zoo located in Southern California.
This is consistent with the news release from Visit California President and CEO, Caroline Beteta, who admits this is the highest record of spending by tourists in California.
Tourists are tempted to visit the area, and the impact is immediately felt with the estimated value of significant spending able to trigger a tax payment of US$ 10.3 billion for the California government, and can create 1.1 million jobs in the state.
Beteta delivered it in an interview with Pasadena Star-News on Monday, May 8, an increase in foreign tourist arrivals.
"The value is up 3.2 percent over the same period last year. Make local Californian businesses grow and able to hire employees who are at the same time generating dollars for the state."
California is indeed able to provide more value for the tourists who visit, the real difference according to expectations of tourists who visit the region.
She added in the interview that the amount of money spent by tourists could be used to fund US civil service spending for a year.
The numbers are significant and have a good effect on the state.
"The figure is even greater than the value of gross domestic growth (GDP) two-thirds of the countries in the world."
This institution, Visit California is much to monitor the development of tourists in the region, Los Angeles became the area most flooded foreign tourists.
A good record for Los Angeles with US$ 26.8 billion or 21.21 percent of total foreign tourist spending is taken by Los Angeles travel companies, hotel managers, restaurants and souvenir shops.
And interesting notes like this still have not stopped.
Source: G Putro Jati - CNN Indonesia, Visit California
Image: Emmanuella Widi
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