Types of Tea That Should Not Be Consumed
There are varieties of tea that are mixed with various ingredients and less obvious health benefits

Safe tea to drink is available on the market, in stores of household products and in other shopping centers. Although you can basically find a certain type of tea that is formulated with substances that are not good for health.
I thought you would not take the risk, quoting the site detikcom, May 5, because the mixture found in the tea content can have a negative impact, made from materials whose properties have not been scientifically researched.
In practice tea products often contain substances less good for the body, another quote on Mashed site on April 4, there are tea products with quality that is not maintained until the use of tea plant species that contain harmful to the body.
Some of the following types of tea deserve to be avoided as daily consumption.
1. Detox Tea
The reality is not as it is said, though it is called powerful in removing toxins from the body. You'll find side effects on health.
One of them with the use of senna leaf is known to have a laxative effect, so it often makes the stomach feel uncomfortable.
2. Komfrey Tea
Types of tea that can heal bruises or other types of wound recovery quickly. But, consider carefully before drinking it.
Komfrey tea contains pyrrolizidine alkaloids that can cause liver damage.
3. Herbal Tea
Indeed there are recommended types, such as ginger tea, rosella, and peppermint are proven health benefits.
But avoid drinking herbal tea of other types, because it still requires research and information about the benefits of herbal tea types accurately. Moreover, information received from non-scientific or traditional medical knowledge.
4. Kava-kava Tea
Perhaps you will find Kava-kava tea in various ceremonies of tradition in the South Pacific region. Tea that can be soothing, but also gives the effect like a hangover if you drink too much.
Kava-kava tea is said to trigger liver disease, so in some countries this tea is prohibited.
5. Cheap tea
It's cheap, but the quality is still in doubt. This is stated by the Journal of Toxicology, in 2013 at least more than 70% of 30 tea products contain harmful ingredients.
Another study found 36 of 44 tea products containing pyrrolizidine alkaloids, a poison that lives in plants and can cause liver damage.
You can try the tea offered, but not for more. Especially when you know the unfavorable effects of certain types of tea.
Source: Sonia Permata - detikFood, Mashed
Image: P Djayasupena
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