Enthusiastic Fans to Stay in Chris Cornell's Room
Chris Cornell ended his life at the MGM Grand Detroit Hotel, on Wednesday, May 17th

Cornell, Cameron and Shepherd performing with Soundgarden at Lollapalooza 2010 - Image Credit musicisentropy
Chris Cornell's funeral will take place within the next few days this week at the Florida Forever Cemetery, USA. But the excitement does not stop immediately, because the fans will continue to find out the latest information.
Sudden death and the saddest news for his fans, no one can tell why Chris did it, ending his life without any sign at the age of 52.
Chris Cornell does have a lot of fans, citing the CNN Indonesia website, May 27th, both previously in his rock alternatives group, Audioslave, as well as in Soundgarden.
The funeral will be quite crowded attended by family members and relatives, even Hollywood actors, including Brad Pitt, while fans afterwards can chance to make a pilgrimage to the vocalist's tomb known for a four octave range.
You'll understand when fans are now turning their attention to the room where Chris Cornell last stayed. They tried to find information, and tried to stay in Room 1136, where Cornell breathed his last at the MGM Grand Detroit Hotel.
The hotel management provided interesting information, citing the sites The New York Post on Friday, May 26th, that those staying there were not just the Cornell fans, but also people who were curious about the unseen world.
You can see an interesting fact, how certain people come to Room 1136 is just one of many examples of people's interest in dark history.
This is in accordance with an explanation from Karin Risko, Director of City Tour Detroit, who also offers a tour package of dark history.
"There are many people who are interested in the magical nature tour. Lately there are more and more people in the world."
This is something worth enjoying by the tourists who have a specific tendency.
"In Detroit the phenomenon just started. Detroit age is older than New Orleans, called the most haunted city in the US."
Karin Risko said that the death of Cornell will only add to the curiosity of people about the dark history in Detroit.
"I do not take advantage of the sadness of many people. I still respect the Cornell family."
Source: Ardita Mustafa - CNN Indonesia, The New York Post
Image: musicisentropy via Wikipedia
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