Coffee Blend To Be More Healthy
6 things you can do to make coffee healthier

Coffee on the beach - Image Credit N Rosdiana
Coffee can make healthy is a fairly wide assumption recognized by it fans, though then there are also other parties say otherwise to your health. But one thing is certain when coffee consumption, always remember the portion is not excessive.
If you're a coffee enthusiast, this quote may be helpful, as written on the site of detikcom on May 12th, it certainly has a specific concoction that you like, you can love sweet coffee, or maybe it's added cream, and some even like thick coffee.
Those health experts still recommend coffee consumption up to 4 cups, but there are still other ways to be healthy in coffee consumption through a certain way.
1. Reduce sugar
Excess sugar will provide extra calories, and trigger diabetes.
Reduce half the sugar intake or select coffee beans with a sweet taste, in order to enjoy the uniqueness of the flavor of coffee beans that you brewed.
2. Cream
Cream gives a soft and tasty flavor, but please note the additional 2 tablespoons of heavy cream will give an additional intake of 100 calories per cup of coffee.
Enjoy the bitter taste of coffee that is typical of coffee, especially 'light roasted' coffee beans or use nonfat milk instead of cream. You can make a cafe latte blend or coffee blended.
3. Choose 'light roasted' coffee
You're probably used to thick black coffee made from dark roasted coffee beans, now try with a higher-light 'roasted' coffee of its polyphenol content.
4. Choose quality coffee beans
You can buy in sufficient quantities and ground in accordance with the steeping coffee.
Coffee beans are not stored in the refrigerator, but are in airtight containers and put in a sun-free cool place.
5. Grind the coffee properly
The level of ground coffee refinement affects the content of polyphenols and flavor of coffee, the too smooth grind will make coffee more concentrated and bitter, and even reduce its polyhenol content.
Grind with a moderate level of fineness, you can ask the coffee shop where you bought the coffee beans.
6. Always wash the coffee brewing
Take care of the cleanliness of the coffee appliances you use every day.
You can dissolve vinegar in hot water, rinse the brew with this solution and drain it to dry and in the end it can make the coffee more refreshing.
Craving for coffee certainly needs to be accompanied also by deep knowledge with one of the world's favorite beverage types, including in maintaining its impact on health. Enjoy it with a sense of comfort and not worry too much about the impact on your body.
Source: O Winneke Setiawati - detikFood, detikcom
Image: N Rosdiana - Melbourne
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