Living in harmony with nature in 'Turgo Village' Yogyakarta

Turgo Tourism Village in the region of Purwobinangun Village, District Pakem, Sleman, Yogyakarta always attracted tourists, the tourists are invited to participate in the activity of tea leaf picking up to process it until ready to serve, so nice!
Turgo coffee or (some of locals call it Kopi Merapi) is a traditional coffee that grows only in this village, and sold in limited places in the city of Yogyakarta, such as angkringan community (food vendors at night in the middle of the city of Yogyakarta), hotels, cafe, golf courses, tourist attractions in Central Java and travel agency.

The natural beauty of the mountains adds passion to perform activities of tourists trekking up the slopes of the hills around the foot of Mount Merapi, to enjoy the beauty of flora and fauna that live in this region accompanied by tour guides while visiting an ancient tomb of Syech Jumadil Kubro at the Turgo Peak Hill.

Is there a typical art show in the village? Of course, discover the uniqueness of traditional music "jathilan" or lumping horse is ready to be played at any time upon request, the people of the village will soon be dancing along with them as well as eat glass, and bottle attractions. Awesome!.
Always wanted to go back there watching the panorama of the natural beauty of the countryside, away from the busy bustle of big cities, so quiet, calm and all running in harmony stay at villager's homes, became a simple village people and live together with the nature surroundings.
(Sources Kompas, Mr. Slamet ‘Kenthir’ /Images CC)
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