Crying tiger in a forest if They Do not Hear the Traditional Music Dance

Villagers have a tradition of tiger catching, after successfully snared tiger traps baited with a goat in it, then at the edge of the forest villagers held a traditional ceremony of dancing and beating drums, the

Tigers are listening to traditional music and the crowded population willing to be moved into an iron cage and was evacuated to a quarantine location Zoo Tiger Conservation in Bukittinggi, West Sumatra to be treated.

The tiger is actually sitting casually in the first trap and was impressed reluctant to move into an iron cage. The tiger was crying, wailing softly and shook his head as if to say 'no'.

Sumatran tiger (Panthera tigris sumatrae) is found only on Sumatra island was among the most endangered animals in the endangered species list, released by International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN). (Also read the Sumatran Tiger - Wikipedia)
The beast though apparently understands that to move to a new place also needs adjustment, tigers have an intuition that he no longer want to be in a forest, he wept.
(Various sources Kompas /Image WWF Indonesia/PHKA/CC)
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