Raja Ampat, Deep Forests, Marine Park and the Paradise of Diving

The islands that spread from the islands of Salawati, Wajeo, Lisol, Batanta surrounded by about 600 other smaller islands, most (80 percent) areas is a conservation and natural park area, the heart was trembling while looking heavily on the forests of this area, mysterious but beautiful!
Wildlife is never found elsewhere, the voice of shouted nuri birds (nuri black head - Lorius lory), the memory was carried to a song in the past, "Burung Kakatua"... Well, here we can found this beautiful bird, cockatoo king (Probosciger aterrimus). Luxuriance forest keep multiple animals and various kinds of forest orchids, also we can find the species that banned taken out of its habitat, Tropical pitcher plant (Nepenthes mirabilis), anthill (Myrmecodia jack) and a variety of nutritious plants as a drugs/medicine.

Not only the beauty of the ocean depths that can be enjoyed, a time for a visit to Sawinggrai Village, Meos Mansar District. In this village can be seen the agility of Cenderawasih birds (Birds of Paradise) in their natural habitat.
Some Cenderawasih bird species in Sawinggrai, namely Red Cenderawasih (Paradisaea rubra), Cenderawasih split rattan (Cicinnurus magnificus), Small Cenderawasih (Paradisaea minor), and Large Cenderawasih (Paradisaea apoda).

How to get there:
Transportation. Ferry Route Sorong - Waisai Tercinta Beach, city of Waisai, District Raja Ampat. Tariff Rp120.000, - (13.96 USD) per person, about 2.5 hours.
Accommodation. Sorido Bay & Kri Eco Resort with dive and tour guide.
Tourism attractions.
- Diving and snorkeling
- Speedboat tour
- A visit to the "Bird Park" in Bukit Hau, Village Sawinggrai, Gam Island, Raja Ampat Regency with a variety of birds, Red Cenderawasih, King Parrots-Cockatoo, White Parrots, Red Parrots and Maleo birds
- Visiting tribal settlements where most of life as a fisherman, for example in the village Kurkapa, District Mansar Meos and District Kabui
(Various sources /Images Setiadi Darmawan)
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